fundación fhecor
Fco. Javier León González
Fco. Javier Fernández Pozuelo
Board Members
Julio Sánchez Delgado
José Romo Martín
Javier Torrico Liz
One of the first initiatives of the FHECOR Foundation was a seminar held at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (campus of the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander) in July 2024, titled “The Culture of Bridges”.
A new course is planned to take place at the same venue in July 2025.

The FHECOR Foundation is a non-profit organization, registered in the Foundation Registry with number 2922, established to foster and promote the integration, innovation, research, and development of structural design and engineering; to encourage, promote, and disseminate complementary and specialized training in structural design and engineering; and to highlight its historical and cultural values within society in general, as well as in other related fields.

Fco. Javier León González
Fco. Javier Fernández Pozuelo
Board Members
Julio Sánchez Delgado
José Romo Martín
Javier Torrico Liz

The FHECOR Foundation is a non-profit organization, registered in the Foundation Registry with number 2922, established to foster and promote the integration, innovation, research, and development of structural design and engineering; to encourage, promote, and disseminate complementary and specialized training in structural design and engineering; and to highlight its historical and cultural values within society in general, as well as in other related fields.

One of the first initiatives of the FHECOR Foundation was a seminar held at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (campus of the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander) in July 2024, titled “The Culture of Bridges”.
A new course is planned to take place at the same venue in July 2025.